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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Hachette v. Internet Archive Petition

This week it's more important to post this than a story from Public Domain. I ask you to sign the petition. Not only is electronic preservation and access to books important, but this impacts libraries and their always strained budgets. Even authors of the publishers in this lawsuit, Hachette, HarperCollins, Wiley, and Penguin Random House, have supported the Internet Archive. Digital borrowing essentially is the same as libraries have always provided in their role to offer and preserve books. Libraries have paid billions for the books this lawsuit withholds from the public. It gives no new harm to either the publishers or their authors. To read background on the case, go to Hachette v. Internet Archive.

This is an update and request for you to sign the petition in support of the Internet Archive. For a copy of the petition and please be sure to read "An explanation of why it's important", go to

Internet Archive Responds to Appellate Opinion in Publishers Lawsuit


 "We are disappointed in today’s opinion about the Internet Archive’s digital lending of books that are available electronically elsewhere. We are reviewing the court’s opinion and will continue to defend the rights of libraries to own, lend, and preserve books." - Chris Freeland, Director of Library Services

Take Action
Sign the open letter to publishers, asking them to restore access to the 500,000 books removed from our library:

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As the overview article,, says: Copyright law does not prevent that lawful fair use. Indeed, it supports it.

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