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Friday, August 27, 2010

Calendars to Juggle the Time on Your Hands

September is a time of calendar changes. Find online special times to feature when creating programs and displays throughout the year or your own calendars just to keep track of all the many things you need to do.

For years Chase’s calendar was the way to find holidays of all kinds. Now online find sites telling about holidays, events, days back in history, and more at: (if only checking 1 site monthly, this might be it, but not for long-term planning ahead) (international crafts, recipes, coloring pages and background on the many aspects of holidays) (change the month as needed by clicking on the page) (recipes, crafts, games and lots more fun things to do) (historical) (includes unusual holidays and has categories of holidays like animals, history, hobbies, literature, and more) (click the calendar to the date wanted) (Don’t give up when you see it’s the last of this blog. Travel through historical New York Times editions by going down to the Archives and select a month – a few months, September through December have twice as much to choose.)

FREE! personal online calendars to keep track of your own schedule are available at Google Calendar, users of Windows Live and Yahoo Mail also each have a calendar. These calendars can email you, while users of Mozilla/FireFox can be reminded right in their browser without the need for separate calendar software. The ability of the different calendars to synchronize with PDAs, smartphones, and any computer vary, but are becoming more compatible.